FHM Pakistan
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Be a part of solution not pollution.

We all are aware and experience in our daily life the pollution, garbage and trash we are surrounded with.

We all as citizens of our beloved country play a major role in being a part of making pollution.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that a Pakistani always see garbage, trash or elements that creates pollution whenever that person goes out of the house on work or on roads, outside malls, parks, etc.

Its really high time now. We all should collectively start acknowledging this bitter reality of our city and broadly overall in the country and start preserving our country and keep it clean.

As a responsible citizen of Pakistan it is our sole duty to keep our surroundings clean and to keep it such that it does not effect other people.

We all have been noticing since our childhood that, excessive trash and garbage on the main roads and in other places plays an essential role in creating traffic and making pollution, which also effects the people living in those areas everyday.

Morally we should start giving our share to the society by taking an oath of not throwing any kind of trash or material on the roads, parks, outside malls or in any other place except in trash cans.

It’s time to make our country and enviornment clean. #CleanPakistan

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