FHM Pakistan

Showcase – The Multi Brands Store Launch

Zamzama – The heart of fashion hub. Zamzama welcomes the youngest lady in the buzz, Miss Ayesha CEO of SHOWCASE, opened her very first store and keen to support fashion in her own way.


Ifrah Humayun, Liab, Ella Esha, Farhan, Threaditionz, Pret by Afshan, RB Signature and Vareesha Couture all these promising designers have displayed their distinguished work, color palatte, different cuts, one may go and shop over there from all occasions under one roof, SHOWCASE.


The event was attended by socialites, models, actors, blogger and press but not in as large number as expected because of the sudden demise of our lengendary qawal Mr Amjad Sabir (RIP). We feel sorry and wish him great place in heaven and as they say the show must go on we pulled it off.


According to the outlet owner Ayesha, this is just a baby step as she is planning to open another outlet very soon. The collection of the different designers attracts all sorts of age, rich and vibrant prints, designs and cuts, be it formal or casual you will find all under one roof.



Also there’s something for the men too so that they won’t get bored while the ladies are busy shopping for themselves.


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