FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

To burn Stomach Fat, Try These Drinks Before Bedtime

Losing Belly fat is a very hard process and it takes a lot of time and patience. First thing, stop consuming soda drinks and change your habits. Try to take in healthy foods and drinks to start the process. Help yourself to these bedtime drinks to lose Stomach fat.

1. Lemons and Herbs with Strawberry

Strawberry and other berries help the body by protecting it from heart diseases and cancer due to its phytochemical properties. Try and add some slices of lemon peel and add it to the cup. Then take strawberry and take mint or tarragon with it. Include hot water to resolve the mixture and move the lemon peels and put lemon juice in the cup. Add cold water, ice and honey, according to your liking. It also helps in increasing blood sugar levels.

2. Pineapple Juice

Due to the reason that Pineapple is an antioxidant, It helps in losing weight. It has abundant quantity of fiber and it is also low in calories. Make Pineapple juice and add lemon with it. Pour warm water instead of cold water and you can also add slices of pineapple with the juice, according to your preferences.

3. Cucumber Juice

There are plenty of benefits of Cucumber. Blend a juice of cucumber but you will need to put water in it because only the paste of cucumber will be too thick to drink. To provide some taste to the drink, Add ginger or lemons. The drink is very effective. Cucumbers are good for hydration, it helps in weight loss as it is low in calories and is also rich with vitamins and minerals.

4. Cinnamon and Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit is a very beneficial fruit. It helps in hydration and is filled with nutrients. Add amount of grapefruit so that at least half glass is full and mix it. Take a glass of water, include cinnamon sticks and sugar as well, if you like. Let the mixture settle for seven minutes or so, Then add grapefruit mixture in it with cold water.

5. Lemon and Cucumber Juice

We have all heard the great benefits of Lemon water. It helps in losing stomach fat as well. Take a lemon and add two cucumbers and an orange with it and pour a jug of water. You can add honey or mint to make the taste more better. It helps in lessening the body fat.

These Drinks are easy to make and are effective. If you will keep taking these drinks every day before bed, you will feel that these drinks are effective but you need to stay resolute in order for it to work.

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