FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

This girl claims that model Nadia Hussain has ruined her career!

Online shopping has become the new trend for shopaholics across the world. People prefer ordering things online rather than going out, but at the same time some find it hard to trust these online pages, especially those taking advance payment. Similarly a new story came in the limelight where super model Nadia Hussain claimed that a well known online Facebook Page Shop “Sephora – Pakistan” cheated her for the products she ordered online. Since social media has become the main source for everyone to raise their voice, Nadia Hussain did the same and asked everyone to unfollow “Sephora – Pakistan” and beware of the Facebook page.

Here’s what Nadia Hussain had to say:

I have been pushed to the limit to do this! So I wanted HUDA beauty lip strobe within Pakistan so after searching I came across this page called SHOP SEPHORA-PAKISTAN.. I ordered in SEPTEMBER and was told delivery would be in OCTOBER!!!!! 50% advance was the initial pre-order requisite which was duly made by me!!! Till TODAY I have NOT SEEN my items yet and it’s been MORE THAN 2 MONTHS!!!!!!! The girl MARYAM ZAHOOR running this page is a TOTAL SCAM!!!!!!!!!! This girl is now conveniently not even responding to my msgs!!!!! PLEASE BE AWARE!!!!! I am STILL trying to get in touch with her to return my advance payment but no luck so far!!!!! Below is the ENTIRE conversation we had on Facebook!!!! I AM ABSOLUTELY LIVID AND HAVE VOWED TO MALIGN HER IMAGE AND PAGE!!!!!!


After Nadia Hussain posted the status on her personal profile as well as different platforms, people and her followers commented and supported her by messaging and harassing the page owner. They filled their inbox with negative comments and what not, without even knowing the other side of the story. In fact, the morning show host Nida Yasir also commented and asked Nadia to discuss this matter in her Morning Show, which many believe is not that important.

But things didn’t take long for the people to know the other side of the story as the owner of the page, “Sephora – Pakistan”, Maryam Zahoor herself shared the post and explained what exactly happened between the two:

Hi and assalaam o alaikum my dearest girls  For introductions, I run a business page called Shop Sephora – Pakistan. Recently, a very huge scandal erupted when a certain celebrity (Nadia Hussain Khan) posted defamatory posts about me on multiple groups and pages after placing an order.

The two of us finally reached closure. But her defamatory posts are still posted publicly I am constantly receiving hate and bullying messages. So I have to put the truth out there and humbly request everyone to stop sending hate messages because all this negativity is causing my family and friends a lot of stress and fear.


My latest Sephora pre-orders shipment was to arrive Karachi mid October. But due to unforeseen circumstances, it was delayed until 15th November. This delay was communicated on the page (#picture1).

Nadia was informed about this delay on once she inquired (#picture2 and #picture3) and she knew that the shipment would reach us on the 15th. And the items will reach her within two days (by 17th November)

As scheduled, the shipment did arrive and I started packaging the items which takes a day.

November 16th 12.04 am : Nadia messaged inquiring about her order. (I could not reply instantly. It can take at least day to reply to each and every query on the page.)
November 16th 8.15 pm : She sent a threat saying ”I hope you recognize who I am!!!!!” (#picture4)
November 16th 10.40 pm : She had posted defamatory messages on my page and on multiply forums. (#picture5)

When I found out this I was beyond horrified and upset. I approached her and explained to her the situation. She agreed to take her pre-ordered items but still believes that I am at fault. Today, her smear campaign is being viewed by thousands of people on various forums including my friends and family who are extremely worried for me.

Since then I have been receiving hate/bullying/upsetting comments and messages from totally random people and doing my best to strike a balance between defending and manage the trauma. Sharing a few photos of what I am going through. (#picture6#picture7#picture8#picture9)

I do agree that I might have caused Nadia Hussain Khan stress due to delayed replies. And I have apologized to her. But I need the #cyberharassment to stop #please. This has turned from being a bad shopping review to full blown on smear campaign by a celebrity and her ‘powerful friends’. Within 12 hours I have been approached by 10s of people. I need this harassment to stop else I will go crazy.

#pleasestop #myhumbleapologies #LetItGo

After getting both sides of the story, we understood that the matter was nothing more than a mere communication gap. It is hard for others to understand the fact that people who are running online pages find it hard to reply to every messages sent to them immediately, but, people should understand that it takes a while for the owners to reply to every single message on time. Whether the person is a celebrity or someone ordinary, everyone is treated equal and it’s high time we all should understand this by now. And before building any theory or debate, let’s just start to hearing both sides of the story before ruining one’s life, and then only decide who is to be blamed.

Now that you all know the whole story from both ends, you can decide who is right and who is wrong.

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