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Things all women should do before getting married

We often forget to focus on all the awesome things we can and should be doing for ourselves and our relationship before we say “I do.” For that reason, I feel like every woman should have a bucket list.

Here is a list some things every woman should try to do before tying the knot.

  • Learn how to cook. Not because you’re getting ready to be someone’s June Cleaver, but because it’s reassuring to know that you can fend for yourself in the kitchen.
  • Have at least one big blowout fight with your future spouse. Then make up. It’s good to know you can get through it.
  • Face one of your biggest fears. Be it skydiving, public speaking, or dining in public alone.
  • Travel with your sister(s) or closest female friends. Not because you can’t do this after you get married, but lots of ladies agree there’s something especially liberating, eye-opening, and bond-bolstering about doing it beforehand.
  • Decide how you feel about kids. Kind of like money, a majorly important thing to discuss before getting hitched.
  • Create a list of 5 values your partner has. For example, that finding a partner who follows a sustainable lifestyle is absolutely crucial for you. Put that on the list as a reminder not to compromise on your core values. 

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