FHM Pakistan

Sip that coffee, drape that shawl tight because Winter is coming- Karachi


It is said that good things come in small packages just like the winters in Karachi. That’s why Karachiites welcome this season with open arms because winters in Karachi lasts hardly a month.



Every person in Karachi is waiting for the winter season because all you could see are people wearing “hoodies” and “shawls” but only in Karachi you will find a women wearing a “lawn ka jora” with a shawl in december. Although you can wear boots or coat shoes but you can also wear you sandals or chappals. You see every person in Karachi taking full advantage of the winter season. Winters in Karachi has its own charm and feeling. The weather isn’t that cold but still we enjoy having ice-creams, those long walks, eating outside and drinking hot coffee. Nobody asks for the Ac remote or reaches for the fan switch, but there are some people who still love their fan and AC.


A group of friends normally make plans for bonfire. Winters in Karachi also brings with it many unwanted guests. Dryness on our skin increases. We admire ourselves in our brightly colored sweaters, pointing and laughing at scooter drivers wearing funny hats.

Let’s not forget the fuzzy feeling you get when you get inside your ‘lihaafs’ or ‘kumbals’ on your cold beds in the wintery nights. How can we forget the late night mungphali session with our siblings and the laziness that kicks in first thing when you open your eyes early in the morning; all you want to do is to stay inside your now warm beds forever. The excitement that you feel when you are able to blow ‘dhoowa’ out of your mouth; when you are served ‘Kashmiri chai’ at weddings; when you eat hot ‘parathas’ at the ‘dhaaba’ outside your school, college or university; and the shivers that run up your spine when someone touches your neck with their bare hands.


In short whatever we Karachi people do, we do it in style. You will also see people with smiling faces because weather plays a very important role, it can ruin your day or can definitely make your day. As the winter season is coming again this year, why not enjoy it and make memories like never before.

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