The modern lifestyle is far from an active one. Many people wish to stay inside the house all day, just because they are way too lazy or the weather is too bad or they just don’t feel like leaving the house. Either way these should not serve as excuses for not being able to do something active.
This inactive lifestyle may have some undesirable outcomes such as weight gain, increased tiredness, and various health issues. In my experience, active people are not only healthier but also happier. This is why I’ve compiled this list of 10 ways for you to be more active:
Go Dancing 
Do a pillow fight 
Walk more 
Clean vigorously
Lift weights
Go out to nature 
Take the stairs 
Fidget while you work 
Do yoga 
Create your own 
The possibilities are endless! Be creative and have fun. When all is done, you might just be glad you stayed in.