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Experience the thrill of traveling with Fahad Mustafa

You recently traveled to Greece, What is the best thing about it?
Greece was an experience of a lifetime; the food was amazing, the people were humble and friendly, the places and architecture were one of the kinds.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

What is your favourite thing about traveling?
We love travelling. The best part about it is that you learn so much,you meet new people, see new places plus the time you spend out from work;I think one should travel more often.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

Which country would you like to visit next year?
IN SHA ALLAH we are planning to visit; Hungary, Spain, Poland, Portugal so let’s see where destiny takes us.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

What is the longest time you have been away from home? Did you feel homesick?
We spent a month in Luton.  It was more of a family reunion, but in the end you do feel homesick wherever you are as there is no place like home.


Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

How do you choose where to go? Are you inspired by other people’s travel stories? Photos or advertising?
Yes of course! All the praises go to Google, we search places and destinations and then we decide where to go.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

What’s more important to you when you travel – comfort and relaxation, or stimulating new experiences?
Actually both, while stimulating new experiences there should be comfort and relaxation as holidays are meant to be that way- otherwise there is no point in travelling.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

Things can go wrong when you travel. Have you had any bad travel experiences?
ALHAMDULLILAH, until now we had no bad experiences. Yes, once my wife twisted her ankle in KohSumai but that is it.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling alone?
Travelling with someone you love is always fun, on the other hand, travelling alone is fun too but then everything you have to do yourself and I am a very laid back kind of person. So travelling alone has its advantages and disadvantages both.

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

Travelers Vault – Fahad Mustafa

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