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3 simple tips to sleep on time . . .

Do you often feel lethargic and drowsy? There are certain reasons that are behind the concept of “not sleeping well” or not getting “the time to sleep well”. While, there are certain conceptions and misconceptions on the issue, we tend to undermine the most common mistakes.

Here are the common crimes you commit; which in turn, become the deadliest sleep killer:

Your Cellphone Is The Biggest Enemy:

This is a factor we tend to ignore the most. Cell phones pump out electromagnetic radiations whenever they are on – which means sleeping with one nearby, enhances your exposure all night long. The best way is to keep your smartphone far from you or to shut it down, so that you can have a peaceful sleep.

De-Stress Yourself:

If you are juggling with too many roles at once, or you have something that is constantly nagging you at the back of your mind, remember that you will never be able to sleep well. It is important to detoxify yourself from all the negative energy and anxiety, before you put your head on a pillow to sleep.

Stop Unconscious Thinking:

Similar to stress, unconscious thinking is when you are over-burdened with loads of worries and you spend your night thinking about them. Keep in mind that if you are going to bed with tons of situations to play with or scenarios to build-up, you will never get a peaceful night sleep.

There might be different reasons, as proved by different researches, on why you can’t sleep peacefully at night. However, as a writer, what comes to my mind is that we are undermining the time we spend sleeping and mistook it for not slumbering well. If you have tried all the methods and still can’t sleep, follow this; Wake up early morning and keep yourself active all day long, remember that you won’t even nap, throughout the day. Now, try to sleep early at night, still can’t sleep? Continue this practice of waking up early and trying to sleep early for another day or two. I can bet that it would take only two days before you are back on track.

What needs to be kept in mind is that sleeping is not a rocket science; a little adjustment in the routine can make you sleep well and be refreshing for the next day.

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