FHM Pakistan

7 Silly Thoughts We All Have Before Our Birthday!

Birthdays are supposed to make you feel special and amazing, and well, they do! All your friends and family are super excited for you and shower you with compliments and gifts, even if it is just for one day of the year, its simply worth it!

Here are a few crazy thoughts that I am sure we have all had right before our birthday’s.

1) Who should I invite to the party? Can I even afford a party?

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

If there is a birthday, there has to be a party. All your friends keep asking you what you want to do and where is the party? Perhaps, it makes you wonder if your parents will allow you to throw a party or if you can even afford to take your friends out to a nice dinner or something. You are always making plans in your head in advance.

2) Where is my life going and what should I do next?

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

You also start wondering about what you are doing with your life. Are you on the right path? What else should you and how should you move forward? Your birthday makes you wonder if you have just been wasting your time the last whole year.

3) I wonder if anyone will throw me a surprise party, that would be so cool!

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

You would be wondering if someone may have been planning a surprise party for you, then you wouldn’t have to take the hassle of planning the whole damn thing by yourself. Besides you want to feel incredibly special on your birthday and a surprise party would be the best thing to make you feel that way.

4) I better change my Facebook profile picture to the best photograph of me.

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

You know that there will be tons of people writing on your wall to wish you happy birthday and you obviously want to make sure that you look your best in your display picture.

5) When the hell did I get this old?

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

As each year passes by, it makes you wonder where did the time just fly by and when the hell did you grow up so much? Last you checked, you just turned sweet sixteen. What the hell just happened?!

6) I haven’t managed to accomplish anything I wanted to, by the time I was this age

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

You obviously had a bucket list of all the things you wanted to do before you turn certain age, but as soon as your birthday is near, you realized that you haven’t managed to do most of the things. Umm, try again maybe?

7) It’s a Fresh start. I will definitely start doing everything I want to.

7 silly thoughts we all have before our birthday!

Its the same thing as making new year resolutions, you make birthday resolutions. You vow to yourself that this year will be different and you will do everything in your power to make it the best year of your life so far.


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