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What does your like say?

        Can a Like on Facebook Be Negative?



Facebook allows users to click the “Like” link near posts on business pages and personal Timelines to indicate to other users that they like the content. There is no “Dislike” button to match “Like as yet”, like on Facebook can be perceived as negative, depending on the context of the post of the user. Even then, though, unless a comment is posted emphasizing the negativity, it is up to those who see it to decide whether a like is negative or not.

Back in the year, Facebook claimed there were more than 50 million “Likes” made every day, But does the word “like” really describe what people mean when they click the button? I expect most of us have seen some instances where the word “like” seems inaccurate to some degree for example, thousands of people have hit the like button on an update that stated about the recent earthquake what exactly do these people mean when they state that they “like” this Facebook status?

As far as I can see, when someone clicks “like” somewhere on Facebook, it is for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. They find it funny
  2. They agree with what is being said
  3. They appreciate it in some way
  4. They are a fan of it
  5. …They like it

Let’s talk about some of the most common “likes” you’ll find out there

The classic thumbs up “like “, the wink or the high five you’d give a friend after scoring a goal. A photo of a friend with his fingers up his throat and his head in the toilet, you don’t think you just click. There is no mystery behind this one, it’s just the straight forward “like”.

The sarcastic “like “Every time something bad happens to you and you mention it on Facebook (flu, family issue, work problem or injury…), there’s this weirdo “liking” your status. In the beginning you thought these “likes” were signs of support, and then, thinking about it, you remember that back in the days you haven’t had a very good repo with him/her and then it’s like” bang” is that so !!!

The dying Friendship “like” You haven’t been in touch with a friend for a very long time, you didn’t really know what to think about his last post on an offensive commercial, actually you don’t really care, you’ll never care, the only thing you want to show him, is that he’s still your friend against all odds, seeing each other online once in a while, you don’t really have the time or intention to chat with him, you don’t really know what to say, so you simply just “like” his post.

The lazy “like “Under your last status update a friend writes a taunting comment, You know he wants to start a long thread but you couldn’t be bothered, so you “like” and get back to what you were doing. It’s like saying “Yeah, good one but let’s leave it there”. The lazy “like” gets you out of long conversations.

The fake “like” Actually this is in reality an “unlike”, only Facebook still hasn’t given this option, this “like” is often given under a vaguely dramatic or serious post .Generally the person who “liked” this is afraid of being misunderstood so he/she quickly joins a comment to his action “I actually don’t like this!”

The political “like” There are always those who post information on a conflict, on politics or an economical event. To prove to the world that you are well informed and into the league, you regularly “like” their posts, thinking to yourself that this must prove that you’re concerned by the planet and that you’re a serious person.


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