FHM Pakistan

Esha gupta turns down the offer

Esha Gupta refuses to promote a skin lightening product !!

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Joining the bandwagon of socially responsible actors, Esha Gupta has turned down a lucrative offer to promote a skin lightening product.


Insensitive marketing of fairness products in the sub-continent — and the trend of celebrities endorsing them — is a subject of debate.

A source says, “The brand was pretty keen to have Esha on board. They had conducted market research and found out that she would be suitable for their product’s campaign. Following a discussion with her team, the brand officials showed willingness to pay a hefty amount. But she refused outright.”

Esha says, “Yes, I have rejected a brand deal. I won’t endorse a fairness product because of the bias it promotes. According to these brands, fairness is proportionately related to confidence, marriage proposals, beauty, etc. My complexion has nothing to do with who I am. Trying to hint that not being fair is making you unsuccessful is wrong. I am beautiful the way I am, and so is everyone else.”

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