FHM Pakistan

Think Before You Kiss A Baby Next Time!

Whenever we see a baby, the first thing we do is grab them, squeeze them and kiss them. But if you have a cold sore, which is an inflamed blister in or near the mouth, caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus, you better stay back and think twice before kissing a baby.

The news surfaced when a mother, Amy Stinton’s  shared her baby’s story on Facebook who contracted herpes.

“This is what happens to babies when been in contact with a cold sore,” she wrote. “Oliver now has the herpes virus and will have this for life. Think before you kiss a baby next time.” She wrote that her baby was in the hospital for four days on an IV drip.

Her child isn’t the first baby to get herpes from someone else’s cold sore. Another mom Claire Henderson shared a similar story, warning parents about the risks of infants constricting the virus from a compassionate kiss. Her story went viral, with over 51,000 people sharing it. And in 2013, a two-month-old premature baby passed away after catching the disease from his father.

The good news is that people can live with herpes, but the bad news is that it’s a very different and dangerous story when an infant contracts the virus.

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