FHM Pakistan

The 1% Man – slums to skyscrapers, the journey of the revolutionary real estate magnet – Chairman Danube Group, Rizwan Sajan.

Shed some light on your early days and life in Mumbai.

“Mumbai means a lot to me” – it’s where I was born and began my career. When I was 16, my dad passed away suddenly, and it was a big shock. To help my family, I got a part-time job. Luckily, my dad’s friend understood our situation and gave us worK. I have many memories from Mumbai, and really like visiting there whenever I get a chance to go back to India. It’s a place that holds special memories and importance to me.

How did you step into the world of development and what inspired you towards this business?

My journey into the world of development began at 18 when my uncle offered me a job in Kuwait. This experience ignited my passion for business, and I saw every opportunity as a chance to grow. My efforts contributed to my uncle’s business success, teaching me the value of leadership and curiosity.

In the early 90s, I moved to Dubai and ventured into trading, giving birth to Danube Building Materials. The situations and people I encountered along the way continued to inspire my entrepreneurial spirit, motivating me to keep working on my business goals.

Tell us about Danube’s most prestigious projects.

Every project has its own USP and attraction. For example, this year we forayed into branded residences at affordable pricing. Our Dh 2.05 Billion twin tower Viewz and Fashionz by Danube and FashionTV are our testament to making luxury homes affordable for everyone in Dubai. 

Apart from this, our recent project with a starting price of Dh 650,000 Elitz-2 was sold out within days of its launch due its prime location and ROI.

What made you consider Dubai as the core location for your business?

Dubai remains a robust destination for global real estate investment due to various factors such as world-class infrastructure and positive growth outlook. Despite experiencing significant growth in the last two years, the real estate market in Dubai is relatively one-third of the sky-rocketing prices in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, and to some extent, in Mumbai. The prices of properties in Dubai are expected to continue rising rapidly, and the growing influx of high-net-worth investors and end-users from India and other parts of the world will further fuel the property market boom. Therefore, the Dubai real estate market continues to inspire confidence among property buyers, and now is the right time to invest to reap rich rewards.

How has delving into “affordable luxury housing” been beneficial to you as an entrepreneur?

The concept of ‘affordable luxury housing’ has achieved remarkable success due to its accessible nature for the hardworking individuals who have been residing in Dubai for many years but were unable to acquire their own homes. Dubai is synonymous with luxury, but luxury often comes with substantial costs. In my view, this concept has proven to be highly successful.

Every entrepreneur holds a dream close to their heart, and mine has always been to offer homes to people at prices within reach. For over eight years, we have delivered affordable luxury to countless families. Starting this year, we have elevated our offerings by partnering with prestigious brands like Aston Martin and FashionTV, introducing branded residences for buyers who seek a touch of sophistication in their homes.

Tell us about some of your accolades when it comes to being recognised as one of the finest developers in the region?

Ranked 7 in Top 100 Indian leaders in the UAE List by Forbes Middle East

Top 50 Most Powerful Indians in the UAE by Arabian Business Five times winner of the Forbes Top Indian Business leader in the Arab World

Three times winner of Top Real Estate Company in the Arab world by Forbes Middle East Star Business Leadership award 2017 in the family business leader category.

What is your mission and vision for the


My mission and vision for the company revolve around two pillars: people and customer satisfaction. I believe my team is the backbone of our success, and we prioritize our employees and customers. This philosophy drove us to diversify into various sectors to meet their diverse needs.

Ultimately, my aspiration is for every expat in Dubai to have their dream home and enjoy the luxuries this vibrant city offers.

What importance does community hold in society and how have you contributed to it?

I firmly believe in giving back to society and we as a group always contribute to our maximum capacity. We contributed Dh5 million in support of the “1 Billion Meals Endowment” campaign launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

We Contributed Dh 200,000 to Dubai Police for Ramadan Games as a token of respect for the safety and security that they provide round the clock.

Define success and what it means to you. 

Giving homes! I did not have a roof above me and now I have provided over 15,000 homes. As the owner of such an honourable group, I believe that success comes with sheer hard work and extreme passion. Success isn’t static; it’s an ongoing process of improvement, driven by values and a sense of purpose. I believe that it’s not just for oneself, but also for the betterment of others and society. In essence, success is a dynamic balance between achievement and contributing meaningfully to the world around us.

What advice would you like to give to aspiring entrepreneurs and the youth?

To the aspiring entrepreneurs and youth of today, I offer this advice: 

1. Dare to dream: Dream big, select an area that you are good at and work towards it. Hard work is key but consistent work is golden. 

2. Profit and loss: Don’t always only think about wins and profits, always think about how much loss you will make and be cautious about your decisions

3. Hire great people: Finding the right team members is a blessing and difficulty at the same time. I am thrilled to have a great team around me and help me delegate and succeed!

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