FHM Pakistan


Sometimes life is complicated, sometimes it feels like life just really sucks sometimes we make mistakes, we get hurt, or we just get handed a raw deal yes sometimes it’s completely out of our control and we are blindsided by life’s swift cruelty and yet sometimes we are foolish and bring the pain upon ourselves via our decisions and actions And what do we do? we spend far too much time replaying it, beating ourselves up over it, clinging to it… playing the woulda, coulda, shoulda game as if by owning it and making it a part of us could somehow fix it or make it go away yet the only thing we can really do is take a deep breath, close our eyes, wipe them dry and let it go whatever it is however it happened whoever’s fault it may or may not be

Truthfully we may need a little time to sit on the bathroom floor and cry it out we may even make ourselves literally sick did you know you can cry yourself sick, and just when you think there can’t possibly be any tears left.. they start all over again? or we might need to eat an entire tub of ice cream alone in the dark or to stay in bed with the blankets pulled over our head until we just can’t stand it any longer

But we can’t live there in that hurt filled moment we can’t dwell there letting it consume us hitting rewind and play over, and over, and over again asking why? screaming but ? but it’s not fair but it wasn’t my fault or maybe it was but if onlybut why? We just can’t live there! 

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