FHM Pakistan

Samsung ate the Apple!

Whose court did the ball fall into? You’ll find out just now. 

It’s like a race between 2 enemies or maybe 2 best friends, the race in which they only care about either winning or putting the other one down and mind you that it did not just start but has been counting years and years till now. 

No no, they don’t copy but inspirations are definitely taken from one another; says them to themselves. Keeping in mind that Apple did not launch any flip nor fold yet Samsung started to give its users free black Samsung cloth after discovering that Apple put its polishing cloth on sale for $19. This offer by Samsung has been given to its first 1,000 customers in Germany. 

We understand that Apple and Samsung are two big giants when it comes to best technology players and the healthy competition between the two is unavoidably fun and exciting. 

We won’t forget how Samsung was asked to pay $539 million as a penalty by the court in US for copying features in its phone which originally belonged to the products of Apple. This argument was very vague and continued for a longer period of time as Samsung did not agree on a specific amount because Apple was asking for a much higher price. However, being the price and the settlement at risk & difficult to decide – one thing was clear for sure that Samsung was guilty for copying Apple’s features and designs. 

C’mon Samsung, how many apples are you going to eat? 

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