FHM Pakistan

Value Of Time

There is a very famous saying “Time &Tide waits for none”. Time is very important one & all. We should always understand the value of time because it waits for alone. Time has a great impact on our lives as well. The passing of time is a understood with age. As time passes by our health, body mind start changing. An infant or new born with passing time Grows up as an adult & then possesses his old age & finally death. We should always respect time. A person who under stands the value of time will never waste it. Wasting time means postponing work which was supposed to be done at that Particular time especially students should always be punctual with time. If we respect time & do our work accordingly we will always be successful. Money, health once lost can be retained or got back but time once lost can never be got back. Knowing the value of time will not be effective until we start working on time.

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