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Health & Fitness

9 signals your body sends month before a heart attack!

Listening to your body is very important if you want to prevent a host of health of problems. Any illness manifests through a variety of signs and symptoms which may occur even a month before. It’s the same for heart attack – the often fatal disease gives off many symptoms up to 6 months before it strikes which should never be ignored.

Here are 9 signals your body sends before a heart attack:


Fatigue is one of the most common early signs of a heart attack and affects women more often than men.   If you’re feeling tired without any strenuous physical activity, it may be an indication of a heart attack.


Nausea and stomachache are two surprising symptoms of an impending heart attack you may experience in the months leading to it. This symptom affects men and women both and usually comes and goes. Strenuous physical activity may worsen the pain in your stomach. If you notice this symptom, we suggest visiting a doctor as soon as possible.


Insomnia is a common symptom of a potential heart attack and is more common in women. The sleeping disorder is commonly associated with stroke and heart attack and may be accompanied by anxiety and forgetfulness. If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night, we suggest consulting with your doctor.


Dyspnea of shortness of breath is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of a heart attack. It may occur up to 6 months before the event, so make sure to pay attention to it. If you’re feeling like you can’t catch your breath often and you’re trembling, you need to visit a doctor.

Hair Loss:

Hair loss usually affects men and women after 50. The raised cholesterol levels due to anxiety can harm your heart health and has been related to baldness and hair loss, so if you start losing your day all of a sudden. You may need to visit your doctor.


Arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat is a sign of an impending heart attack that is usually accompanied by panic and heart attacks and anxiety. It usually strikes out of the blue and in resting periods. Of course, irregular heartbeat is expected when you hit the gym, but if it occurs without a reason, it might be time to go to the doctor.

Excessive Sweating:

If you’re sweating more than the usual, you should visit a doctor. Excessive sweating has been related to impending heart attack and should never be ignored.

Chest Pain:

Chest pain is the most common sign of a heart attack and has been reported as a symptom in a huge number of heart attack patients. The pain can travel to you left hand, the lower part of your jaw, shoulders, neck and even the stomach. It may strike suddenly and last for a short or long period.

Upper Back Pain:

Pain in the upper back between the shoulder blades has been identified as one of the main symptoms of a heart attack which may occur months before it.

Risk Factors For Heart Attack:

In general, a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle are the leading causes of a heart attack. However, risk factors such as alcohol, drug abuse, smoking, earlobe creases, and hair in the ear canal and tenderness in the calves when walking have also been identified as possible risk factors.

Heart attack is a highly dangerous and often fatal disease which can affect people of all ages. It often strikes suddenly and fast, so recognizing the early signs can actually save your life.

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