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Health & Fitness

7 foods found In Pakistan that are banned in other countries

Did you know that many foods sold in Pakistan are actually banned in other countries? Foods you can easily pick up off during grocery shopping, throwing them in your cart without knowing their harmful side-effects, which apparently other countries have banned due to health risk.

Here are eight banned foods you should stop eating:

1. Genetically Engineered Papaya 

In 2004, Hawaii reported a widespread contamination of papaya crops. Five years later, nearly 20,000 papaya seeds from Hawaii were found to be contaminated with GMOS. This virus devastated American crops of the 1990s. Nonetheless, their use in Pakistan is seldom, yet still present.

The European Union took a stand against genetically engineered food and banned GE papaya.

7 foods found In Pakistan that are banned in other countries

2. Flame Retardant In Drinks

A flame retardant originally patented by chemical companies is a common ingredient in many citrus-flavoured sodas and sports drinks in Pakistan. Known as brominated vegetable oil, the dangerous ingredient has been shown to mix in human tissue and breast milk, and may cause reproductive and behaviour problems in large doses.

Japan and all of Europe have banned the substance.

 3. Chicken Laced With Arsenic

In Pakistan, arsenic-based drugs are approved for use in animal feed, as they result in quicker growth. However, the dangerous drugs cause the meat to appear pinker and fresher. The use of arsenic can cause anemia, headaches, skin lesions, low IQ, kidney damage and failure, stillbirth and more.

The European Union has banned the use of arsenic-based drugs in food.

Chicken Laced With Arsenic

4. Dairy Products Laced With rBGH

rBGH is synthetic version of a natural hormone produced in a cow’s pituitary glands. It was developed by Monsanto in the urge to help increase milk production, made from genetically engineered E. coli bacteria. rBGH is commonly found in milk and dairy products. It’s use can cause colorectal, prostate and breast cancer.

The synthetic hormone is banned in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Canada and the European Union.

 5. Farm-Raised Salmon

Farm-raised salmon might sound like a healthy choice, but that’s far from reality. The fish are raised on an unnatural diet of genetically engineered grains, toxic antibiotics, and dangerous vitamins, drugs and chemicals. Toxins from farmed-raised salmon can accumulate in your body.

Both Russia and Australia have banned this type of salmon.

Farm-Raised Salmon

6. Artificial Food Colours And Dyes

There are numerous food dishes to which food additives are added to on a daily basis, whether in the form of preservatives, flavours, colours and other synthetic ingredients. Red (40), Yellow (5), Yellow (6) and Blue (2) are the most commonly used dyes in Pakistan. According to different health based researches, food additives have been linked to cancer, birth defects, behavioural issues and allergies.

Norway and Austria have banned the use of these harmful ingredients in their food.


7. Potassium Bromate In Bread

There are many commercial baking companies that still use brominated flour, enriched with potassium bromate to make the dough more elastic. It’s most commonly found in rolls, wraps, breads and bagels. Potassium bromate has been said to cause damage to kidneys, the nervous system, thyroid problems and even cause cancer.

It’s already been banned in Canada, China and The European Union.

Potassium Bromate In Bread

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