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5 signs which prove that it’s time to breakup with your best friend

Breakups can be really really nasty things. All you want during the time is tubs of ice cream to gobble yourself with, mountains of chocolate and hibernation in your PJs all day. However, what could be nastier than breakup with whom you think was your other half, is breakup with your best friend. Yes, these happen too! And, it may seem that your sister/brother from another mother needs to be replaced, but, well you won’t have the courage to do so!

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

Breaking up with your BFF can extremely be difficult, however, there may come a time in life when you will know that you two are so not made for each other. So, here are five signs which show that NOW is the time to get rid of your best bud and move on with life.

Gossip, Gossip & Gossip:

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

What tends to be the most entertaining part of the day for some, men and women alike, can be an irritating time-pass for some people too. There should be a mighty, red bell ringing above your head if your friend keeps on bitching or gossiping all the time. Dude, let’s just face this. There may come a time when we all need to grow up and get rid of this thing. So, no more bitching in front of me please, or else you are out of my friend zone.

Third Degree Over-Clinging:

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

There is no doubt that we all love our best friends and we love to hear their long list of worries, sorrows, boyfriend/girlfriend woes and all. We love when they accompany us at all places. But, stage 5 clinging is something we all can’t tolerate. Right? We also have a life and we also need to share what we think and feel, but if they are all absorbed in their self bubble, you need to think if you want to continue this friendship or not. No body wants a horn blowing in their ears all the time. Easy there, my friend. We want to speak our hearts out too!

I Am Always Right:

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

Let’s just get this done with, straightaway. Okay? Friendship is a two way street, nobody can tolerate or take someone’s shit continuously. So, NO, you are NOT always right. And, that time when you thought that black is so your colour or your boyfriend/ girlfriend is super hot; you were so wrong, my dear friend, so wrong. So, all those bearing stubborn sallies for years, its about time you lose this thread and stop dealing with your arrogant, stubborn friend.


5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

All the world revolves around is THEM. I, Me, My, Mine, Myself, With Me – these are the words which you hear from your best friend all the time. Nobody is interested in chatty cathies and their stuff. They used to be darling best friends with interesting things to talk with, but all they have now is meaningless things to ponder over now. So, if you are being patient and polite and your friend is still not getting it, its time to move on.

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire:

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

There are countless times when you caught him/her lying on you? Yes, best friends these days lie too. So, if he/she ditched you for another friend and keeps on lying about it, think again. Because that stretched up Pinocchio nose speaks all the truths. Lying is a habit, alright? And, if your friend keeps on lying than you don’t need to continue tolerating that. SAY NO TO LIARS!

So, lovely ladies and gentlemen out there, here were the five signs that let you know that your best friend is really not your best friend and you need to give yourself the benefit of doubt. I know, I know it ain’t easy to throw them out of your life. It requires days and days of heartbreak and sulking to get done with them. But remember that, if they really care about you and love you, they will come back with regrets and promise for the better best friend-ish life ahead. But, remember that sorry’s won’t be sufficient this time.

5 signs which prove that it's time to breakup with your bestfriend

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