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5 Quick Cleaning Hacks!

Keeping your household spotless and orderly can take up way too much time. Here are some important cleaning tips for cutting valuable minutes off of every task so that you can shed the latex gloves and use your time on other things.

  1. Quicker Bathroom Cleaning:

Keeping supplies tucked away in the cabinet of your bathrooms is a definite smart-move. A toilet brush, some multi-purpose disinfectant and perhaps some disinfectant wipes to give the main surfaces a quick wipe-down without breaking out the big guns of mop buckets and sponges.  Just sprinkle a bit of that toilet bowl cleaner or disinfectant into the bowl and swish around, and remember not to flush. Take a pair of wipes and wipe down the sink, faucet, countertop, and lastly, the top of the toilet seat. Scrub the toilet once more to finish off, flush and go.

  1. Distribute Household Supplies to Where They Will Be Used:

Shave off some valuable minutes from running about the house looking for supplies. For instance, make re-filling toilet paper and paper towel dispensers easy by keeping back-up supplies in the particular rooms where they are to be used. It saves trekking all the way back to the pantry or laundry room when a restock is needed, also for when you run out at a crucial time, you won’t have to scream for a roll for the whole house to hear!

  1. Soaking, Your Best-Friend with Deep Cleaning:

With most of the main deep-cleaning jobs like scrubbing a shower or tub or even the sticky burners under your stove, pre-soaking makes for a much easier process. Spray up the shower with a solution that cuts through soap scum, then go work on another task while it works its magic. When you return, you can easily scrub it to a shine in half the time. Soaking those kitchen burner plates in a sink of hot water for a half an hour to rid it of the yucky with very little elbow grease, is the way to go.

  1. Start with a clean slate:

Taking the time each night before you hit the sack, to wash and tidy up the kitchen sink and scrub it to a shine, it’s a huge psychological boost the next morning! It makes the rest of your housekeeping tasks seem easier, and starts your day off on the right foot.

  1. The Family 15-Minute Drill:

When the clutter is taking over your life, its good to get the entire household involved in a 15-minute tidy-up session to get your head back up above water. Get the kids to tidy up all the papers, pens shoes and toys and put them away in their rightful places and get their daddy to help take our trash and put away folded laundry while you can manage all the remaining tasks that are a bit much for the gang to handle and voilà, you can prance around your house without stepping and tripping on something!

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