FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

5 Day-to-Day Kitchen Items your Skin will Love

Women—in this race of becoming a perfect life partner, an incredible house wife, an exceptional mom and an ideal woman, has time for everything and everyone except herself. In this endless jumble of responsibilities, taking care of her skin is the last thing she would actually consider.

Also in this bustling routine of life, going to a salon seems pretty troublesome. So the purpose of this article is to take you through your kitchen and identify the very beneficial items it has. From lentils jars to fruit baskets, you will find some amazing things to satisfy your salon needs.


Enriched with Vitamin E, Almonds should be a go to product for glowing skin. To get rid of dead skin and dry patches, a paste of almond powder, oatmeal and milk can be used as a face mask. It acts as an exfoliator to nourish and moisturize the skin.


A day-to-day food item! This incredible kitchen item is famous for its numerous benefits for skin and hair. Eggs are a natural skin tighter. Use of it will definitely make your skin firm and will reduce the fine lines in a week. To make a quick face pack, whisk together 1 egg white and half lemon, leave it for 10 minutes till it dry, wash it off and see the magic!


Cucumber is a natural skin cleanser and a soothing agent. Grate some fresh cucumber and massage it on your face to have a wrinkle free skin and a lightened tone. Cucumber paste can also be stored as ice cubes to use it as a soothing agent anytime!


An ever famous salad cream! Mayonnaise is used as a natural skin moisturizer, it cleanses off all the dirt and dryness on our skin in minutes. Mix some mayonnaise with oil and scrub it over, this will give a radiant glow and a gentle texture to your skin.


This routine kitchen staple apart from its benefits of maintaining blood sugar levels also does wonders to skin. Cinnamon improves skin’s blood circulation, so using it as a body scrub can add a natural glow to the skin. To make a DIY body scrub mix some cinnamon powder with oil and sugar, the brittle texture of the scrub will keep your skin healthy and moisturized!

Beautiful skin demands commitment!

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