FHM Pakistan

2023 – The Year Of Acceptance

Mostly, we tend to point out bad habits that people sustain and forget that we too, are humans at the end of the day. With the year fleeting by and 2023, right around the corner, here are a few things you can do to improve your quality of life. 

Blame is great for your ego, responsibility is great for your future. It is ideal to be aware and accepting of your flaws and toxic behaviour. Overcoming insecurities leads to an improved lifestyle. 

Words are the least reliable form of communication. Energy, silence and body language speak volumes. Listen closely. 

Do what you must to be happy. Life is too short for “What If’s”. Regret will haunt you more than failure. 

Nobody is worth being drained over. Protect your boundaries at all costs. 

If you continue to wait until you’re ready, you’ll be waiting all your life!

The harshest realisation is that we don’t fear new opportunities, new love or vulnerability. We fear old pain. 

There are no obstacles or opponents. It’s you vs you! 

You are enough. This won’t make you lose your ambition. It will help you pursue the right things for the right reasons. 

Note these pointers the next time you want to make a New Years Resolution. 

Until next time. 

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