The Simpsons fans are getting the creeps once again after another eerie predication proved to be spot-on! The show, infamous for predicting major future events through...
Humna Zahid also known as Samosiiii, is a blogger and make-up influencer on Likee with 2.2 million followers. Likee is world’s leading global short video...
Jennifer Lopez enthralled audience as she sang her 1999 hit song at the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday....
Prime Minister Imran Khan has congratulated Joe Biden for becoming 46th president of the United States. “[We] look forward to working with @POTUS in building...
By: Khushbakht Vaka “Allah NaseebAchayKaray”. I am sure most women of the subcontinent must have received this blessing. Who doesn’t want a good future? However,...