Grapevine Madhubala’s sister wants Kareena to play late actress in biopicFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 Wouldn’t it be amazing......
Launches & Events Charizma launched its flagship store in KarachiFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 The launch event featured......
Interviews “Makeup is art, Beauty is Spirit!” Faiyza BegFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 Faiyza Beg, a dreamer, a- doer, a motivator, a Beauty YouTuber. With an Instagram following......
Interviews Through the lens of Abid SaleemFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 Abid Saleem talks to FHM Pakistan about......
Grapevine Fahad Mirza is all set upon adding another feather to his hat of successFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 Fahad Mirza has no thoughts about slowing down his accomplishments any time soon...
Launches & Events Launch of Pepsi Battle of the BandsFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 Pepsi is proud to......
Grapevine Noman Habib is all set to do another project for Zee TVFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 We wish Noman a very good luck......
Uncategorized Deepika Padukone has something in store for her Pakistani fans, and here’s what it is!FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 11, 2017 Just recently, the International star Deepika Padukone revealed that she is all set to bring an exciting surprise for her Pakistani fans.....
Daily Horoscope Your Today’s Horoscope – 11th August 2017FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017 According to your today's horoscope, 11th August 2017......
Grapevine This friends Twitter thread may finally prove that Rachel and Joey should have ended up togetherFHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 10, 2017 by FHM PakistanAugust 11, 2017August 10, 2017 It’s a debate that Friends fanatics may never agree on: Was Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) supposed to end up with Ross (David Schwimmer) or Joey (Matt...