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20 things to do before you turn 30

We have all heard that phrase “it is never too late”. well, it never is. But everything when done at the right age looks good and satisfying. we all here 30 things to do before you turn 30 lists (women). Here is the list for men.

1. Go Camping

At least once in their lives before turning the big 3.O. men should spend a day and night in the woods. This can foster some essential skills and mindsets that men should carry to their everyday lives.

2. Take A Solo Trip

On top of that, all people should have the confidence to travel by themselves. There’s a lot to see, so go see it!

3. Live In A Different City

Even better, spend a prolonged time somewhere new. Don’t stay in the same town you were born. Go out and live somewhere new.

4. Travel To A Place Where You Don’t Know The Language

Bonus points if you travel (and maybe stay) in a place where you don’t know the language. It will be crazy at first, but you’ll be better at it.

5. Learn a new language

Then after that, consider learning a new language. You’ll impress others and yourself.

6. Ask For A Raise/Change Your Job

Once you’re done travelling, time to get your finances in check. Ask your boss for a raise. If they say no, feel free to work somewhere else.

7. Start A Business

Or maybe start your own business. You’ll end up learning a lot from the experience.

8. Become Financially Stable

Ultimately, you want to become financially stable. Create an emergency fund and build up a financial legacy.

9. Pay Off Debts

To get stable though, you’ll need to budget and pay off debts. Slow and steady, folks.

10. Start Investing

A great way to create a financial legacy is to invest. Put money in somewhere and let it sit. Hopefully, it’ll build over time.

11. Make A Reading List

But enough about money. What about your lifestyle and mind? In terms of the latter, it’s a great idea to create a list of books that you want to read. Then, read them!

12. Take A Class

Or, maybe take a class. If there’s a skill you always wanted to learn, why not have someone more skilled teach it to you?!

13. Learn To Cook

One skill we should all have is the ability to cook. You don’t have to be as good as a professional chef. But, you shouldn’t be ordering out every other day either.

14. Learn To Drive

Depending on where you live, this might not be as important. But the modern man should at least know how to drive by 30.

15. Give To Charity

But once you’ve bettered yourself, you should also better the world. Give to a charity. It can also count as a tax write-off.

16. Become More Politically Aware

Once you start giving, you might realize there’s a lot going on in the world around you. Get involved with it and see how politics affect every part of your life.

17. Join A Community/Political Organization

Once you realize the effect of politics, you can then get engaged with it. Join a community group and create REAL change.

18. Experiment With Your Look

Or maybe you should experiment with the way you look. Try to grow a beard. Get a new hairstyle. Try on new clothes. These are just some ways you can experiment with your look.

19. Get new clothes

Speaking of your clothes, maybe it’s time to get rid of that shirt you’ve had since college or that underwear with holes in it. Instead, buy some better quality clothes. Dress to impress, right?

20. Commit to Regular Exercise

On top of that, it’s time to get on top of your body. Nobody’s making your exercise for gym class anymore. But if you want a better quality of life, you should get yourself to the gym anyway.




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