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11 Reasons Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine

  1. Strengthens the immune system

It may come off as a surprise that a wholesome giggle is the best way to ensure you produce antibodies within your system so that it can effectively fight infections. I mean they do say ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and experts prove, that is certainly the case.

We become less agitated 

A dash of humour is likely to ease the tension within a room. Whether it is awkward silence or negative emotions; a funny remark is likely to dissolve the situation quicker than other methods.

.Good for heart health

Did you know laughing can expand our blood vessels? This enables blood to flow through easily and produce more oxygen. Therefore, our heart doesn’t have to work too hard. Apart from all the common ways we implement to improve our overall cardiovascular system, adding a touch of laughter is one of the best.

Stress buster

Even though ‘adulting’ can be quite draining due to the endless responsibilities, it doesn’t mean one should not take out some time to have a good laugh. This helps lower the cortisol levels in our blood stream which is the stress hormone. More laughing = less stress.

Tough situations seem easier

Laughing seems to alleviate feelings of fear and anger, hence bringing a smile to our face during the adverse times is a great way to ensure that the pain does not define or complicate the rest of our day and we are likely to derive solutions in an  efficient manner.

Releases happy hormones

Laughing is beneficial for our overall health and is said to have the power to heal. When our neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline are elevated, it enables us to manage and improve our mood, alertness as well as controls our pain releasing receptors hence, promoting contentment and an overall calm feeling. 

Socially involvement increases

We are more likely to engage with people if they feel comfortable around us, whether it is in a gathering among your friends or even strangers. Humour has the power of making them open up towards you

Aids digestion

As the abdomen contains large muscles, laughter helps it release gastric juices that improve digestion and can speed up our metabolism.

Natural pain-reliever

The sensation of pain is considerably low when we laugh. It is a natural opiate and can be released with activities such as drawing, painting, music or as simple as consuming chocolate.

Combats insomnia

Our mind may replay unpleasant situations when we try to go to sleep and send our brain in the overthinking zone. That’s why, it is essential to wind down with some good company and atmosphere. Laughter may help lower the possibility of your negative experiences and help you avoid dwelling on such thoughts.

Assists breathing

A popular yoga disciple focuses completely on laughter therapy. Do you know why? It’s because our lungs expand when we laugh, hence, regulating our breathing and allowing more oxygen to be inhaled.

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