FHM Pakistan

10 times the world danced to Rishi Kapoor’s rhythm

Here is a list of the top memorable performances by the heartthrob of his era.

Remembered to be the first ‘chocolate boy’ of Bollywood, he danced and fascinated his way into millions of hearts. Having done almost 123 movies in his lifetime, the legend made sure that with his energy, charisma, and harmony; the world hummed along to his tunes.

If you’re the 70s, 80s, or even a 90s kid, you’ve probably seen the heartthrob groove his way into stardom. Like these ten iconic songs which featured him.

1. Main Shayar To Nahin

2. Ek Mein Aur Ek Tu


And likewise, there are many tracks that the fans used to enjoy e beat. The legend will be missed, a great soul and a great actor he was!


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