FHM Pakistan

10 things You don’t know will leave you soon, so be thankful today! 

Time is passing and life is running. Sometimes we think we have so much time to do things we want but the reality is that we don’t. There’s only so much left to do with the time we have, but what we don’t understand is that the things we have, have very little time too. That with time, we change, things change and what we have and are now will at some point cease to be. Here are a couple of those things to be careful & thankful about.

1. Your mental health. You don’t realise but it gets worse if you don’t pay attention.

2. Learn to create, the satisfaction of productivity is something else!

3. Time to learn. Educate yourself. Find your own beliefs.

4. Time moves on, the chance to say sorry might get lost. Guilt follows, get rid of it now.

5. Time to enjoy! Take time out to go live, party and make merry. It’ll get harder with time.

6. Relationships, people. They move on, go places. If there’s someone you love, tell them.

7. Parents – because you’re growing up, but your parents are growing older.

8. Your youthful energy. Stop wasting it doing things you don’t enjoy. Leave that awful job.

9. Travel – because adult life doesn’t make the possibility easier, it makes it more difficult. Go when you can walk without your knees hurting.

10. Your health. With time, it goes. Run, exercise – do what it takes to help your body.

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