FHM Pakistan

10 Super Amazing Low Calorie Food

Unknowingly we are eat healthy food, it’s just we consume it less than junk food. But if you are told that the food you eat in your daily life is actually the low-calorie food and if consumed right you can walk the path towards a healthy and lean lifestyle? I am here to tell you about how these 10 super amazing low calorie food items are incorporated in your daily life providing you with antioxidants, fiber, protein and what not.



Considered to be an amazing source of antioxidants, reducing the risk of cancer and promoting fat burning. Two to four cups of unsweetened green tea may burn around 50 calories.


15cups of Spinach = 100 calories, well you can eat it all if you want to fight Brutus like Popeye. It’s rich in vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium. Spinach is one of the best leafy greens that contains a hormone that allows muscle tissue to repair itself faster.



Oh this beautiful red fruit is packed with antioxidants, which protects you against cancer and memory loss. Immunity-boosting vitamin C makes these berries a perfect low-calorie sweet treat. A pound of berries is actually equals to a half-cup of vanilla ice cream.  I love strawberry flavour anyway then why eat not the original berries!



Don’t we all love these veggies? I remember I baked whole cauliflower as a part of my diet and it was amazing, you can eat it without any guilty pleasure, it also detoxifies your body. Around eight cups of chopped cabbage is equals to the corned beef we would love to eat. Well, it’s hard to loose it too then right?



It is said that radish gives you gas lol it does not. Six cups of Radish = half ounce of baked potato chips. Now I understand why CHIPS are unhealthy, be it fried or baked. It is abundant in vitamin C and help facilitate the digestive process.



Prawns and Shrimps are two different things. Indeed prawns are high in calories but shrimps on the other hand are lesser in calories and good source of protein intake. 4-ounce of chicken breast equals to 16 large shrimps. Protein, selenium, and vitamin D, as well as some omega-3 fatty acids come free with this meal.



There is a variety of squashes in the market but summer squash has comparatively lesser calories than butternut squash. It’s a perfect source of vitamin C as vitamin B6, which helps our immune and nervous systems function efficiently, and a little bit of protein.



You can make yourself a healthy home-made mushroom pizza. Why? Because small mushrooms have two calories per mushroom. Eat how many you want you, just make sure you don’t get over-board with it. Wild mushrooms have rich in antioxidants.



One of my favourite green! One cup of chopped bell paper gives you more vitamin C than from an orange. A green pepper also packs dietary fiber, a little bit of protein and some vitamin A.



Cheese is considered to be high in calorie but cottage cheese has about one-fifth of the calories found in other cheeses. Cottage cheese still makes a good low-calorie, high-protein snack, packing 3 grams of protein per ounce.

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