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10 typical reactions every Pakistani hears before a holiday


Planning a trip is very stressful and if you’re the one organizing the details, then you probably have witnessed shades of your friends that you’ve never seen before. A lot of efforts have to be put in to make sure that everything goes smoothly. But in Pakistan, phase one of any trip means getting everyone on-board, matching schedules, convincing parents and a whole lot of coordination.

So, here are the kinds of reaction you get from your friends before planning a holiday.

The Forever Broke Dude – Yaar Paise Nhi Hain

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

This person has no money no matter what the occasion is. You’ve grown up paying for their coffee; you can count on them on losing their wallet at the most convenient times. And for once when you think that they are available, they ditch you with their evergreen excuse – Yaar Paise Nhi Hain.

The Workaholic – Office se Chutiyan Nhi Milein

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

Bill Gates is probably less busy than this guy. He works on Saturdays and his phone goes off every 5 minutes! Convincing him to take time out of his precious schedule is a real struggle and will become a debate between economic importance and happy living.

The One who always has Free Ki Advice – Lahore Nhi Yaar, Naran, Kaghan Chalte Hain

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

Whether you ask for it or not, this guy always has a free advice available for everyone. No really, I have my whole itinerary ready, I don’t want to know whether you want to go to Lahore or not, I’m going!

Mama’s Boy

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

This guy is the most innocent lad in the whole squad, who needs his mums stamp of approval every time he steps out of the house. Every time he says, “Ammi se Puch ke Batata Hoon”, get ready for a solid excuse.

The Planner – Mere <Insert random relative> tickets saste mein karwa daen ge

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

This guy is always trying to be so over efficient that it becomes unnerving. For the record,  I’ve already booked cheap flight tickets so there is no need for your amazing contacts that’ll give whooping 10% discount with *conditions applied*.

The Fraidy Cat

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

What if the plane crashes? What if we get mugged? What if we slip down the Karakorum Mountain and fall to our imminent death? These are some of the questions that your fraidy cat friends will throw your way, making you appreciate just how lucky you are to have survived crossing the road this morning.

Super Cool – Abhi Time Nhi Hai Yaar

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

There’s always that one stud in class who is so cool that even your best plans don’t interest him. Do yourself a favour and keep those negative vibes away from your trip. 

Overstressed – Sab Kuch Rakh Liya Na?

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

This person will have sleepless nights before the trip and will be pacing with over-packed luggage and a checklist in hand. Just looking at them is enough to give you anxiety and stress.

The Lazy Soul

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

This is you going crazy trying to match schedules and accommodate everyone to finally make this trip happen, while your best friend gives you the excuse because he/she doesn’t feel like it and would rather spend the holidays binge watching game of thrones than touring cities. All you can do is breathe deeply because these lazy heads test our patience more than anyone!

The Dreamer

10 Typical Reactions Every Pakistani Hears Before a Holiday

Then there’s that one person who’s probably excited more than anyone else. They’re psyched about all the places they’re going to be seeing.

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